"The Gospel is not the most important message in all of history, it is the only essential message in all of history."
Acts 16:31, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved." "What does it mean to believe in Jesus, that is what is it we are to believe? We are to believe that as the son of God, clothed in our humanity, He lived a perfect life and then died on the cross for our sins. This message is called the Gospel, that is the good news about Jesus....all who put their trust in Jesus are justified freely by Gods grace."
"We are counted in Gods sight as perfectly obeying the law of God...we must keep in mind that our justification by God is based solely on the meritorious work of Christ and our union with Him. That is, God see us legally as so connected with Christ that what He did, we did. When he lived a life of perfect obedience, it is as if we lived a life of perfect obedience. When He died on the cross to satisfy the just demands of God's law, it is just as if we had died on that cross... these are objective truths; that is, they are true whether we grasp them or not. So often, however, we find it difficult to believe them. Because of our frequent failures before God, we do feel under condemnation, we do not feel God is for us but really surly must be against us, we do think He is bringing charges against us. At such times we must preach the Gospel to ourselves. We must review what God has declared to be true about our justification in Christ."
"To live by the Gospel we must firmly grasp the fact that Christ's life and death are ours by virtue of our union with Him."
Quotes from Jerry Bridges's book "Discipline of Grace"
 | The Discipline of Grace, Updated Edition I intentionally keep the focus of this site on the Gospel- the good news that Jesus died for our sins; for one reason it continues to astound me, that He would choose me to be one of His adopted children in light of my continued failures in His sight, but also, the key to renewing and reforming our minds is the power of repetition, as Martin Luther said,"We must continually pound the Gospel into our heads." This book will do that and do it well!