Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Relentless Love

" It takes a profound conversion to accept that God is relentlessly tender and compassionate toward us just as we are- not in spite of our sins and faults (that would not be total acceptance), but with them. Though God does not condone or sanction evil, He does not withhold His love because of evil in us." Brennan Manning, Abbas Child

"There is tremendous relief in knowing that Gods love to me is utterly realistic based on every point of prior knowledge of the worst about me, so that no discovery now can disillusion Him about me, in the way I am so disillusioned about myself, and quench His determination to bless me." J.I. Packer, Knowing God


Renee said...


I can see why you and I have differing points of view on The Shack. Take for instance the quote here from Manning. He says that God is relentlessly tender and compassionate toward us just as we are. Actually, Jesus Christ suffered severely because of the "just as we are" which in fact is our sinful nature. Our faith in Christ is our access to God's throne. There's no other way mentioned in scripture. Unless you can, by scripture, prove me wrong.

Renee Davies

Renee said...

Hi Mark,

Got your comment on C.S. Lewis, Young, and fairness. You said "I'm a little surprised you being a writer that you would not give Young a little literary freedom after all Lewis was a little out there himself."

There is a huge difference between Lewis and Young.

Let me answer your comment with a question. If your family, friends and coworkers know you as a kind, gentle, and genuine man, but the newspaper runs a story saying that you were an actual weakling, a liar, and a flake, wouldn't you think it right (nevermind fair) that your loved ones would come to the defense of your reputation and the family name?

C.S. Lewis may have used wild and wacky stories, some of which (by his own account) were not meant to mirror the gospel of Christ, but I don't remember reading anything of his works that were new age religion wrapped up in a Christian bow.

In the early church, Christians came together to encapsulate what Christian beliefs were because there were so many false teachers teaching a faith that was anything but what Christ had taught, and by so doing, the Apostles' Creed (or the Nicene Creed) was born.

Young has the freedom to write as he pleases. Unfortunately for him, if he writes about a gospel that is not Christian but calls it Christian, his fate is worse than a bad critique from me or anyone else.

Thanks Mark.
